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Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black

Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black view 1Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black view 2Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black view 3Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black view 4

Bar Mitts Internally Routed Cables Road Pogie Handlebar Mittens Hydraulic - XL Black

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Campy / SRAM / Shimano For (Internally Routed Cables)

(XL is specifically designed for Hydraulic Disc Brake Levers, larger hands or heavier gloves)


  • Attaches to handlebars and are easily installed & removed for temperature changes
  • Fits road bars and SRAM/Campy levers or areo brake levers where all the cables are wrapped under the bar tape.
  • Can be used with regular cycling gloves of varying thickness
  • Reflective material on seam & logo
  • Specifically designed for Hydraulic Disc Brake Levers, larger hands or heavier gloves
  • Temperature ratings vary by person. See testimonial page from customers

BAR MITTS evolved from many years of hang gliding and cold winter rides. Hang gliding mitts are used on a straight steering control bar. From taking the hand gliding mitts and putting them on top of bicycle handle bars, the idea was created to make Bar Mitts. However, as one can imagine, not being on the shifter and brake levers had its downfalls especially when it came to descents and emergency braking on the bike. After designing various prototyes that enclosed the shifter and brake levers, the creator of Bar Mitts developed the perfect mitts to keep cyclists warm while they are out on their bikes

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