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Herbal Concepts Neck & Back Wrap - Organic/Cream

Herbal Concepts Neck & Back Wrap - Organic/Cream view 1

Herbal Concepts Neck & Back Wrap - Organic/Cream

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Our Neck & Back Wrap is big! Loaded with 12 natural herbs, this gel-free wrap will blanket your body in targeted, thermapeutic care.

Gently soothe and comfort muscles with our Neck & Back Wrap. Handcrafted using natural herbs and grains to relieve stress, tension, cramps, and muscle discomfort. Microwave or freeze for instant therapy.


  • Relax complete body
  • Release neck
  • Shoulder
  • Upper and lower back muscle pain
  • Restore energy
  • Reduce stress
  • Relieve sinus and migraine headaches
  • Soothe pain caused by arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Calm muscle
  • Joint and tendon pain
  • Improve circulation
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Alleviate cold & flu symptoms
  • Enhance emotional balance
  • Boost productivity

Innovation & Commitment:

Herbal Concepts has been an industry leader in crafting natural pain relief alternatives designed to balance our physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Herbal Concepts, with its long-standing history of innovation and commitment to natural, pain relief alternatives

Relax Naturally. Relax Better.

Our Work:

Crafted With Care: We believe the quality of our products are enhanced by the people that make them. Our amazing team members take great pride in skillfully designing, hand-cutting, sewing and packaging each Heat Pack order that is placed. You don't find many places left in the world where each item is made to order and where craftspeople put their hearts and souls into their work. That's why our products stand out. Our people are outstanding. You'll see, smell and feel the difference. Relax Better. Relax Naturally.

Thermapeutic Care: Thermapeutic care uses temperature to soothe and comfort your tired, injured, or overworked body. Microwave heating activates the healing qualities of the aromatic herbs and grains. Muscles, joints and tendons relax as the heated pack penetrates deep into tissue. Stress and tension melt away as circulation, blood flow, oxygenation and detoxification improve. The result is calming and rejuvenating. You'll feel relieved, refreshed, relaxed and rejuvenated. Relax Better. Relax Naturally.

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